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Playing online poker for a beginner

When it comes to playing cards, poker is one of the old-time favorites. Why do you think a lot of people are heading to the casinos in Las Vegas? It is because they want to enjoy playing poker and the other card games. But do you know that you can already play poker even at home without worrying about all the hassles? Yes, that is right! We already have an online poker, which is becoming more and more popular. All you have to do is to choose a poker site, and you can enjoy the game as long as you want.

Playing as a beginner

pokerPlaying online poker for a beginner may be a bit confusing. You have to know all the guidelines and strategies so you will be able to win the game. And mind you, you can expect real money if you do so. This is why millions of people all over the world are playing online poker everyday. This is quite evident with the increasing number of poker sites online. If you go online, you will be overwhelmed with the different sites that you can play online poker on.

So, if you are aiming to master the rules of the game, follow the tips below on how you can gain all the skills that you need to be the top player of online poker.

1. Take advantage of training sites

Since online poker is becoming more and more popular all around the world, a lot of people are becoming curious about it. Even those who were not into poker when it was only being played in the casinos got hooked into it when it was launched online. For this reason, training websites have also been made available. These sites are for beginners like you who want to learn the game. In fact, even the advanced players are utilizing training sites to improve their strategies.

So, if you want to become a master player of online poker, you should check out the training sites like Tournament Poker Edge, Poker Xfactor, and Ivey League.

2. Seek online poker coaching

poker 2There is no better way to master online poker than to seek the help of a professional player. You can ask around for someone who is willing to provide you with coaching in terms of the proper way to play poker. With the presence of a professional coach, you will surely master the game in no time. The training sites that were mentioned above would surely lead you to a good coach.…


Playing Poker Games Online

If you’re searching for a new hobby and don’t want to pick up something new, then perhaps you may try playing poker games online. Chances are, you are already familiar with the game because poker is such a well-known game that is being played by millions of people all over the world.

What the game involves

Traditional poker involves a banker. It is the job of the banker to distribute cards to each player. Thcardse first card is always face down, and the second card is always face up. The card with the face down is kept private until the very last minute. Nobody knows the true value of the card except for the player himself. This makes the game more interesting and exciting because no one knows for sure who is going to win until the end of the game.

In the middle of the table lies a pool of money. This pool of money consists of the initial bets. As the game progresses, the pool of money gets larger and larger. Usually, those who get good hands will start raising one another. It will be a competition of wits and guts.

Whoever has the largest value on the second card gets to call the shots now. Calling the shots means he or she can raise the bets. For example, the individual can choose to add 100 dollars to the pool of money. Imagine yourself as a player. You can choose to follow the bet at 100 dollars, or you may choose to raise the bet to whatever amount you choose to. If you follow the bet or raise, you stay in the game. You have to decide on either one. Otherwise, you fold and the game is over for you.

All cards from now on will be uncovered. The banker will distribute one more card, and the same process starts all over again. Players will then fold or raise one another. This will go on until the fifth card.

The Royal and Straight Flush

In poker, the largest hand is the Royal Flush. The Royal Flush consists of the cards Ten, Jack, Queen, King, and Ace. Whoever has the Royal Flush automatically wins. And the winner can collect the entire pool of money on the table. (Note that the banker only distributes cards. The banker is NOT a player on the table.)

Then there is the Straight Flush – cards running in sequence and of the same color but the largest card is not an ace. This people playing pokeris the second best hand in poker. The third best hand is four of a kind. That means you have four cards of the same number in your hand (e.g. four Tens, or four Kings, etc.). These are followed by a series of poker hands, ranking from best to worst.

As you can see, playing poker games online requires quite a bit of strategy. Since you don’t know what the covered card is, you can’t be sure what the final hand is going to be. If you think that you stand no chance of winning, be sure to fold early to prevent further losses.…